Monday, 18 April 2011

Group 4 Technologies

Animations and Simulations, Google Earth, Google Maps, Google Documents for collaboration, Online concept mapping and Zooburst for interactive digital storybooks.

Fashion - Online Concept Mapping

Google Earth

Google Maps

Personal Experience:
This week was fun and interesting revisiting ICT tools I've used before but have changed since I was last there in terms of capabilities.  There were also a few that were a new experience to me.  Google is such a valueable site for the various elements that assist in cognitive development and global connections of students. 

Google earth is opportunity to explore foreign monuments and locations that otherwise would only be achieved through travel means.  Students can literally see statue's, theatre's, streets in their true form and architecture to name a few.  Google maps are an opportunity to understand the distance that lies between these locations, compared to where students are learning from.  Google maps also show travel time estimations and comparison's with locations between schools if global connections are made.  Evidently using literacy and numeracy in a strong form.  Supporting this is Google's search engine assisting students in their research for particular topics. 

Online concept mapping is then available for students to brainstorm and collect data in relation to the journey taken place through Google.  This process encourages higher order thinking through its scaffolded form.  All this is achieved by the one provider.  Technology! :)

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